Photographer from Scotland, UK, specialised in outdoor adventure and mountain sports
Professionally principled but, creatively, working part-time
Hello. I’m a photographer from the UK whose purpose satisfies a desire I have, which is to enjoy an active lifestyle outdoors (preferably in hills and mountains) and to use this time to create quality content for the outdoor community and the brands that support us. My aim is to illustrate the landscape - sometimes including people, sometimes without - using a creative blend of composition and colour, lens choice and light to produce striking and emotive images which clients purchase as fine art prints or license commercially to promote products, people, places and health.
Brand values
I’ll partner with experts
I’ll act professionally
I’ll be consistent
I’ll prepare appropriately
I’ll be easy to deal with
I’ll communicate regularly
I’ll deliver on time
Select clients
National Geographic | Red Bulletin | Salomon | Suunto | Mountain Equipment | Men’s Health | Runner's World | Trail Running | Men's Running | Outside Magazine | Outdoor Magazin (DE) | Outdoor Photography | Outdoor Fitness | Backpacker Magazine (US) | British Mountaineering Council | The Great Outdoors | British Heart Foundation | 220 Triathlon | Singletrack | MBUK | Creative Scotland | Climb Magazine | GeoWissen | BBC Adventure Show | Celtman Extreme Scottish Triathlon | Harvey Maps | Tiso Group | Adventure Travel | Patagon Journal | Patagonian Expedition Race
Sports athletes and others interacting with the landscape is my ‘style’. Using a creative blend of composition and colour, lens choice and light, I produce striking and emotive images which clients license commercially to promote products, places, people and health.
View Adventure photography →
Sponsored athlete photo shoots are a passion, challenging me to produce inspiring stories of people, product and landscape. This example illustrates Donnie Campbell, more widely known as a mountain runner but also a keen endurance cyclist who holds the recorded fastest known time / FKT for An Turas Mor and the Badger Divide, two of Scotland's premier long-distance cycling adventures.
View Donnie Campbell - Gravel Cycling →

Integral to the above is a keen eye for composition in the mountain landscape, a skill that benefits advertising agencies for commercial purposes, tourism boards and other bodies who have the need to showcase national parks and other premier locations, as well as business and personal clients seeking to purchase premium-quality artwork for home and office space.
View Landscape photography →
A little more...
A night-owl not an early bird (though I regularly do both)
Coffee not tea
Plans obsessively
Likes making lists (happily addicted to Evernote)
Writes occasionally (e.g. editorial features)
Author of a guidebook to trekking in Patagonia - Argentina's Los Glaciares National Park
Loves photography most when it's challenging (it's rewarding)
Enjoys working as part of a team
Balancing photography, happily, with a role as a Digital Governance Manager (for a FTSE 100 company)
If you'd like to work together, please get in touch.